Better turf through research and education
Enriching the turgrass industry in the state of Nebraska
Better turf through research and education
Enriching the turgrass industry in the state of Nebraska
Enriching the turgrass industry in the state of Nebraska
Enriching the turgrass industry in the state of Nebraska
We are a non-profit organization seeking to provide better turf for all aspects of the industry including athletic fields, cemeteries, golf courses, lawns, parks, roadsides, institutional grounds, sod production, and other turfgrass areas.
NTA allocates funds for the direct support of the University of Nebraska turfgrass research program. Over 30 research projects are ongoing on a wide variety of research topics. Furthermore, funds are used to provide education to the professional turfgrass manager.
NTA membership supports the continued enrichment of the turfgrass industry. Benefits include connection to the latest turf research and recommendations from the University of Nebraska turf program, discounted rates to educational events, continued education training, and access to the membership directory.
By joining, you will keep up to date on the latest research and industry news, receive discounted rates at NTA educational events and be connected with turf industry peers. Most importantly, your support will directly help us in our efforts to encourage and support the further research and study of turf.